お知らせ - Information

「メタ・モ(ニュ)メント2021アーカイブ」のために開発した、WebGISプラットフォーム「Re:Earth」用のプラグイン「Stories Widget」を公開しました。
We released the “Stories Widget” plug-in for the WebGIS platform “Re:Earth” developed for the “Meta mo(nu)ment 2021 Archive”.
We published the archive and recordings related to the decentralized online event “Meta(nu)ment 2021” held on March 31, 2021.
展覧会「IAMAS 2022」でプロトタイプを展示した「メタ・モ(ニュ)メント2021アーカイブ」のために開発した、WebGISプラットフォーム「Re:Earth」用のプラグイン「Tweet Block」と「About Widget」を公開しました。
We released the “Tweet Block” and “About Widget” plug-ins for the WebGIS platform “Re:Earth” that we developed for the prototype of the “Meta mo(nu)ment 2021 Archive” exhibited at IAMAS 2022.
2021年2月20日から23日まで開催された展覧会「IAMAS 2022」の関連イベントとして、オンライントークイベント「分散型オンラインイベント「メタ・モ(ニュ)メント2021」とは何だったのか?会議」を開催しました。
As a related event to the exhibition “IAMAS 2022” held from February 20 to 23, 2021, we had an online talk event, “A meeting: What was the distributed online event “Meta mo(nu)ment 2021”?” in Japanese.
We released the open-source version of i.frame, a platform for decentralized online events that provides cohesion and coherence for a limited period to artworks distributed across the Internet for a limited time.
We held The Potential and Challenges of “NFT Art” from 19:00 to 22:00 on November 19, 2021. [in Japanese]
2020年6月に開催された人工知能学会全国大会国際セッション予稿集に加筆した論文「The Morandi Room: Entering the World of Morandi’s Paintings Through Machine Learning」が公開されました。加筆部分では、Archival Archetypingという考え方や展望にも触れています。
The paper The Morandi Room: Entering the World of Morandi’s Paintings Through Machine Learning has been published. We revised it from the proceedings of the international session at the 34th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence held in June 2020. In the added part, we also introduce the concept of Archival Archetyping and its perspective.
We held Society for Media Creation (Tentatively Named): Thinking About Creation and Platform from the Perspective of “Collectivity” from 18:00 to 21:00 on July 22, 2021. [in Japanese]
We was held an event, “Meta mo(nu)ment 2021” from 9:00 to 21:00 on March 31, 2021.
2021年2月20日より23日まで、情報科学芸術大学院大学[IAMAS]が開催する展覧会「IAMAS 2021」にて、展覧会内展覧会「Archival Archetyping Exhibition in IAMAS 2021」を開催しました。
We held an intra-exhibition exhibition, “Archival Archetyping Exhibition in IAMAS 2021” at the exhibition “IAMAS 2021” held by the Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences IAMAS from February 20 to 23, 2021.
2020年12月24日より2021年1月10日まで、展覧会「Archival Archetyping Exhibition 2020」を開催しました。展覧会に関連して開催したトークイベントの記録と、展覧会レポートを公開しております。
We held the Archival Archetyping Exhibition 2020 from December 24, 2020, to January 10, 2021. Records of the talk event held in association with the exhibition and the exhibition report are available.
We presented “The Morandi Room” at the International Session of the 34th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence.